Friday, April 24, 2009

Restore printer Spool service after Bulubebek Infection

First Of all you need to remove the Bulubebek infection,

Click Here and Please follow this step

then after that,

*let assume that the Bulubebek infection is clean and your PC is not infect with another virus*

to restore your Print spool Service :-

1. click Start > Run
2. type services.msc and hit
3. On right Panel of Services, try to find Print Spooler service and make sure it's Started.
4. If the Print Spooler service is not listed,
5. click Start > Run
6. type regedit and hit
7. On left panel of Registry Editor, Expand
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > Spooler

8. on the right panel, you should see Start and Type. Delete both of this key.
9. create new key by right clicking on the right panel, select New
10. Select DWORD Value. rename it as Start.
11. Double click it and add value 2 and base Hex
12. create new key by right clicking on the right panel, select New
13. Select DWORD Value. rename it as Type.
14. Double click it and add value 110 and base Hex
15. you should get like this :

16. Reboot your PC.

Restore Audio after Bulubebek Infection

First Of all you need to remove the Bulubebek infection,

Please follow this step

then after that,

*let assume that the Bulubebek infection is clean and your PC is not infect with another virus*

to restore your PC's audio :-

1. click Start > Run
2. type services.msc and hit
3. On right Panel of Services, try to find Windows Audio service and make sure it's Started.
4. If the Windows Audio service is not listed,
5. click Start > Run
6. type notepad and hit
7. Copy the Script below and save it as audio.reg (save it on c:\):-

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Description"="Manages audio devices for Windows-based programs. If this service is stopped, audio devices and effects will not function properly. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start."
"DisplayName"="Windows Audio"



8. Run the file by double click it (
9. click Yes
10. Reboot your PC

Download Audio.Reg